Monday, June 30, 2014

Kool-Aid Popcorn

This is a great recipe if you need  a treat to bring to that 4th of July picnic Friday. In honor of 4th of July we made blue punch flavor. But you can what ever flavor you want. And this also makes a great treat for a theme birthday party or even a baby shower. I will be keeping this recipe for future parties. Just to warn you this is a hot sticky mess so if you are looking for something to make with little ones this one is not the best recipe. I decided to make this while my kids were in bed and they could wake up to a tasty treat.

Thank you Bridget Widgey life's a party for this pin, we have been in love with this recipe and we are already planning on our next flavor to make.

Here's how to make this tasty treat

Kool-aid popcorn
Recipe by: Bridget Widgey

  • Cooking Spray
  • 10 cups of light buttered popcorn ( I did about a bag and half)
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of corn syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 package of kool-aid

For crunchier popcorn preheat your oven to 225 degrees (This is the method I did)
Pour your 10 cup of popcorn into a greased bowl spray with your cooking spray
Bring sugar, corn syrup and kool-aid to a boil for about 6 minutes and continuously stir. This is important you don't want to burn the sugar mix.

Take mixture off the heat and add the baking soda this will make it puffy

Pour the mixture over the popcorn and mix to evenly coat

For soft and chewier popcorn:
Just take the popcorn and place it on a non stick mat or parchment paper to let it harden.
For crunchier popcorn
Continue to step 4 and place it in the oven at 225 for 30 minutes. This will help it get a hard candy shell on the popcorn. When done you will have to move it immediately move it to a non stick mat or parchment. If you leave it in pan that you cooked in good luck getting it out.( I didn't have either of these so I used foil with Pam sprayed on it and it worked perfect)

Enjoy! We love to see what kind of popcorn you guys made make sure to share on Instagram or leave a comment below!

For more great recipes like this make sure to check out my pinterest page
Follow Kristina Morud's board Sweets to make on Pinterest.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Cookies and Cream Martini

Happy Friday! The weekend is finally here!

This week is treat for all you sweet drink lovers. This one has been one favorite since finding out about Pinterest. The recipe comes from Snappy Gourmet. She has a lot of great drink recipes that you will fall in love with.

The name of this drink says it all. It taste just like an ice cream treat which is perfect with the raising summer heat. I will warn you now this is a sweet drink I was lucky to finish mine. My husband even liked this drink and he usually isn't all for the sweet girly drinks.

The recipe is just for one so if you are making this for more you will need to double it up.

Cookies and Cream Martini
Recipe by: Snappy Gourmet


  • 1/3 cup milk or cream ( I used milk in mine)
  • 1/4 cup of Pinnacle whipped vodka (for a more chocolate flavor you can substitute the chocolate whipped vodka)
  • 1 1/2 tsp Jello instant Oreo pudding mix
  • Hershey's chocolate sauce
  • Crushed Oreo crumbs
  • Whipped Cream

  • Mix the milk, vodka and Jello Oreo mix in a shaker with ice for about 30 seconds.
  • Dip rim into chocolate sauce then dip into Oreo crumbs.
  • Strain into glass and top with whipped cream.

For more great drink recipes make sure to check out my pinterest page.
Follow Kristina Morud's board Drinks on Pinterest.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Blueberry Muffin Cookies

Happy Thursday!

I will warn you right now these cookies are addicting!!!!

When finding these on Pinterest I was excited to try them my kids are blueberry lovers. Thank you Valley Ridge Recipes for an awesome recipe. I didn't have the right amount when I made mine so I only made a half recipe which was more the plenty for our family. With this recipe you get the best of two worlds, you get that blueberry muffin flavor with a chewy cookie texture! And also its a healthier alternate to those chocolate chip cookies that we all love.

  • 2-7oz blueberry muffin mix
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • 2 tsp melted butter

  • Preheat oven to 350
  • Put the butter into a glass  mixing bowl and melt butter in the microwave
  • Add all the other ingredients and mix well
  • Roll mix into small balls and place on cookie sheet space an inch in between cookies   
  • Bake for 10-12 until golden
  • Cool for 5 minutes

If you want to you can switch the blueberry muffin mix for your favorite muffin mix. Next time I'm thinking about switching it to apple. What flavor will you try? Would love to hear about it in the comments.


For some more great desserts recipes follow my pinterest
Follow Kristina Morud's board Sweets to make on Pinterest.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Kitchen Grease Remover.

Good evening!
Tonight I have two helpful tips. One is a solution to my hot mess of tank top organization (click here to see it) and the other one will blow your mind.

This week tip comes a pin from Thrifty and Chick. Do you have that annoying grease above your stove on your microwave or cabinets? Then you might want to try this out. Who would ever thought adding more oil would solve the problem. But Baby oil is the secret!

All you need to do is add a little bit of baby oil to a paper towel and wipe away the grease. Some areas took a little more work then others but it was really bad. After that you just take a little kitchen cleaner to remove the oil, I used 409 but you can use whatever. I have never seen my appliances so shiny. I will definitely be using this tip more often!
This was taken before I used 409. The 409 took the strikes right away.

This is the cleanest I have seen this microwave in a long time!

For more tips check out my pinterest board.
Follow Kristina Morud's board Cleaning around the house on Pinterest.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Little Man Car Wash!

This activity was perfect for my 2 year old son. He just had a blast being able to wash his cars and make a mess. Now everytime he pulls out the cars he wants to wash them. After seeing this idea on a pin from No time for Flash Cards I thought it was the perfect hot day outside activity for Landon. I'm always looking for new sensory ideas to use with him.  Not only are they fun but I have noticed they make him sit and calm down when he is having a rough day.

I didn't have a big enough bowl so we used our tin cake pan that worked perfect for this activity. Add a couple drops of dish soap and fill up with water. That's it and now you are ready to watch you little one have fun washing their favorite cars.

But you don't just have to have a car wash you can have a dinosaur wash with the plastic dinosaurs that you can find at dollar trees or even the dollar spots at Target. Many different ideas that your little one will love. What will you guys do?

Hope you little one enjoys this as much as my little one did!

Remember we would love to see what you guys did share your pictures on Instagram.
If you are looking for more great ideas of what to do with the kids make sure to check out and follow my
pinterest board
Follow Kristina Morud's board Things to do with the Kids on Pinterest.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Cotton Candy Splash

Good evening!

This week's cocktail is perfect for the summer time at the pool or great to make for the many cookouts coming up. The pink lemonade just makes this drink for me. I'm not going to lie I don't know why this drink is called Cotton Candy splash it doesn't remind me of cotton candy but it was still yummy just needs a new name.

This recipe went to a recipe but nothing for an adult drink. But I wasn't going to let that stop me I decided to just pour and see how it tastes.

Cotton Candy Splash:
  • Pink lemonade (if you want to make a skinny version the crystal light pink lemonade would work too)
  • Vanilla Vodka

In my small 8oz glass I used the whole little shooter. It's up to you on how strong you want this drink.


If you are looking for more great drink ideas check out my pinterest board

Follow Kristina Morud's board Drinks on Pinterest.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Easy Chicken Dinner

Because mommy brain got the best of me this week Sorry about that, but I will make it up to you with a quick and delicious family dinner. This recipe has been seen all over pinterest for some time now. I have no clue who to give credit to but who ever started this thank you for this yummy dinner. This recipe is toddler approved! My 2 year old loves it however not my 5 year old and the only reason is because shes not a fan of potatoes. I know crazy I can't even get her to eat french fries she used to eat them all the time.

Green beans, Chicken and Potato Bake
  • 3 chicken breast
  • 2 cans of Green beans 
  • 4 or 5 cut up red potatoes
  • 1 packet of zesty Italian dressing mix
  • 1 stick of melted butter

In a 9x13 pan cut the 3 chicken breast in half or you can keep whole your choice and place in the middle of the pan. On one side place green beans and on the other place the cut red potatoes. Sprinkle the packet of Italian dressing on top everything and then drizzle the melted butter over everything. Cover with foil and bake at 350Âşf  for 1 hour.


If you are looking for some more great easy recipes check out my pinterest page!
Follow Kristina Morud's board yummy food to try on Pinterest.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to clean bath toys

The tip for this week is a quick and easy way to clean those rubber bath toys that like to attract mold. I'm embarrassed to say this but the toys in the picture below are our toys. I never really thought about cleaning them because I thought they were ok. I have found myself throwing away toys which then ends in a 5 year old melt down. Not anymore I will be adding this cleaning trick to a monthly list so they don't get gross like they were.
Gross! All the black is the nasty mold

This Pinterest tip comes from WE LOVE BEING MOMS! There are two ways for cleaning the toys Vinegar and Bleach. I went with the Bleach way because my kids are older and don't put the toys in their mouths and also because I didn't have any vinegar on hand.  Also on the blog she made a really good tip to prevent this from happening you can hot glue the holes from preventing water getting inside and causing mold. I will be doing this but most of our toys are squirt ones so I will be sticking to the bleach to clean them.

For this easy cleaning tip all you need is water and 3/4 cup of bleach for every gallon of water. Place the toys into the water and let soak for about an hour.
Once its time take an old rag to wipe the toys and you can also squeeze in some bleach water into the toy and shake. This will help release the mold inside.Once all the toys are wiped off rinse them off and let them soak again in hot water to make sure all the bleach gets off the toys.  And that's it Simple and you saved a toy from the trash can.
All clean!

If you have some nasty bath toys try this before throwing them away it will save you money so you don't have to always keep replacing bath toys.

For other helpful cleaning tips check out my pinterest!
Follow Kristina Morud's board Cleaning around the house on Pinterest.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Apple Juice Painting

Wow I'm sitting done writing out Pinterest experience, I'm noticing we do a lot of painting in our house.
This next painting craft is a fun one. It's snack time and art all in one. Apple juice paint on Graham crackers. Ireland said she was scared to eat it at first but after trying she said it tastes really good Mommy. So I joined in on the painting fun and it really wasn't bad.
We have done this 2 times already and every time I forget you don't need a lot of apple juice. I waste more then we use. So before I forget to say it a little juice goes a long way.

What you need:
  • Apple juice
  • Food color
  • Small bowls one for each color
  • Graham crackers
  • Paint brushes

What to do:
Start by pouring your small amount of apple juice into your bowls.Add 3 drops of food color to each bowl.

If you want brighter colors add more food color.

Mix and your ready to paint on the grahams.

Hope you guys enjoy. Don't forget to share pictures on Instagram of your creations.

If you are looking for more great ideas to do with the kids check out my pinterest board

Friday, June 13, 2014

Cinnamon Twist cocktail

Happy Friday!
If you like cinnamon rolls this drink is for you! It's like a cinnamon roll in a cup and so delicious.
This is another drink that's all about your preferences of how strong you want your drink.
-Cream Soda
Pour your fireball and cream soda over ice! And that's it.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Banana Ice Cube Dog Treat

With the summer heat settling in here is a great treat for your fur babies! This is a genius idea from Just Little Things. Seeing this pin I just thought how happy these would make our two dogs. I'm always making treats for the kids so I thought we should make them something for once.
I had Landon help me with this one or I thought, he ended up eating the bananas instead of putting them in the ice trays.  But after he was done snacking he was a great helper. 

All you need is:
  • 1 Banana
  • Ice cube tray ( I didn't have a regular one so our puppies got some fun shape ones)
  • Water

  1. Slice the banana to the size you want
  2. Place into the ice tray and fill with water
  3. Freeze

And that's it once they are ready you will have a cheap treat for them and a very happy dog!

Do forget to share your pictures on instagram we would love to see your fur babies enjoying their treat!

Looking for other treats for your fur baby check out and follow my pinterest board
Follow Kristina Morud's board Treats for the doggies on Pinterest.

Closet organization tip

Hello everybody!
Have you guys seen the pin of organizing your closet by putting your tank tops on shower curtain rings on one hanger. I thought this was a great idea until that one bored day I tried it out. It looked all pretty till I put that hanger into the closet then it looked like a hot mess!

All the shirts slide to one side but then if you put too many on you feel like the hanger is going to break (or at least I did).

 If there was a way to make the rings stay I would say this post would be a great thing but right now this tip is a FAIL. Your probably thinking if this is a fail why are you sharing it with me. And the answer is because I don't want you to waste your time trying it out and be disappointed like I was.
I will think of a way to make this tip useful and when I do I will share it with everyone.

If you know how make this tip work leave a comment with your suggestions.

***UPDATED 6/25/14****
I have found a solution to the fail. Instead of hanging the tank tops from the straps on the rings fold the shirts in half and slide through the rings! Looks 100% better and DOESN'T SLIDE AS MUCH! Doing this has cleared up so much space on my side of the closet!