Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Kitchen Grease Remover.

Good evening!
Tonight I have two helpful tips. One is a solution to my hot mess of tank top organization (click here to see it) and the other one will blow your mind.

This week tip comes a pin from Thrifty and Chick. Do you have that annoying grease above your stove on your microwave or cabinets? Then you might want to try this out. Who would ever thought adding more oil would solve the problem. But Baby oil is the secret!

All you need to do is add a little bit of baby oil to a paper towel and wipe away the grease. Some areas took a little more work then others but it was really bad. After that you just take a little kitchen cleaner to remove the oil, I used 409 but you can use whatever. I have never seen my appliances so shiny. I will definitely be using this tip more often!
This was taken before I used 409. The 409 took the strikes right away.

This is the cleanest I have seen this microwave in a long time!

For more tips check out my pinterest board.
Follow Kristina Morud's board Cleaning around the house on Pinterest.

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