Wednesday, June 4, 2014

DIY Mosquito Spray

Pinterest Tip #1 does Listerine really keep Mosquitoes away True or False?

Summer is here and that means bugs! I don't know about you but they drive me crazy. While looking for something to keep the mosquitoes away on Pinterest I came across many pins saying that Listerine works wonders. I was in luck I just received a sample bottle the day before so I went and grabbed it and spread it all around our patio. As I was spraying you could see the mosquitoes running away. 

I sat outside on the patio for awhile to see if this really works. I have to say I was shocked. It didn't keep them away 100% but for the most part they were. 

This is will be perfect for picnics, spraying around you at a game or swing sets or even when you are camping.

This tip is TRUE! The one nice thing that I like was the minty fresh smell no stinky chemicals.

All you need is a spray bottle and some Listerine and spray away.

I'm still looking for other tricks to keep them away. Next on the list is to try the Bounce dryer sheets I will update everyone when I give it a try.

For more tips check in next Wednesday or check out my Pinterest Stay at home Pinterest Mommy

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