Thursday, October 16, 2014

DIY American Girl gifts

Hello Sorry I have been slacking this week but I am here with a double DIY gift that's perfect for that little girl in your life that loves American Girl dolls! I know my girl loves hers but I hate seeing the price on a lot of these things she wants for her doll. So I turned to Pinterest for some great DIY gift ideas for Christmas gifts.

 The first one that I will share with you is a DIY Hopscotch. Which is super cute and super easy to make. I used craft foam paper to make these. Cut out squares and write number on them. That's it! If you like you can add stickers or try to make them fancy.

The next one was a little more time consuming but so cute when they are done. This one is making mini doll food out of store ads.

What you will need:
Store ads
Foam board

What to do:
Cut out the food you want from the ads.

Glue food to foam board and then trim the foam board. An excato knife worked the best for this.

Hope you enjoy making these and your little loves these for her doll!

For more great little girl stuff check out my Pinterest board.

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