Monday, July 28, 2014

New way to cook Scrambled Eggs

Hope everyone had a great Monday. Here is a great recipe to start off your morning right tomorrow.  I have to say this is my new favorite kind of eggs. I have been eating clean the past week so this recipe was simple and yummy. Thank you The sassy stiletto for pinning this yummy recipe.

If you are a cottage cheese fan this is for you. Adding the cheese to the eggs it made them more fluffy. You really cant taste the cheese in it when they are cooked.

Cottage cheese scrambled eggs:
By The sassy Stiletto

What you will need:

  • Butter
  • Eggs
  • Cottage cheese

1.) Add the butter to the pan to melt. Once melted add your eggs to the pan over medium heat.

2.) Add the small amount of cottage cheese next to the eggs. Mix together and cook till finished

That's it super easy! You can even top it with your favorite toppings for extra flavor it's all up to you.

Hope you enjoy this as much as our family does.

For more yummy recipes like this one check out the tab above (Recipes) and also check out my Pinterest board.Follow Kristina Morud's board yummy food to try on Pinterest.

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