Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Homemade Ice Cream in a bag

This activity is fun for the whole family and perfect for a hot summer day! We really enjoyed this and so did our friends that we had over when we made our ice cream. When finding this recipe I was so excited to share this fun with my kids. I remember making these in 1st grade at Gale Bailey Elementary! When I told the kids we were going to make ice cream in a bag they all looked at me funny and said you cant do that. Oh were they shocked when they pulled out the bag of ice cream at the end.

Homemade Ice Cream in a bag:
This recipe is for 1 serving but for 4 little ones we split it and it was the perfect amount

Ingredients  and Directions
3 ziplock bags (2 sandwich size and 1 gallon is what we used )

For ice cream add to the smaller bag
1/2 cup of milk ( for creamier ice cream use heavy whipping cream)
1 tbsp of sugar
1/2 tsp of Vanilla
-Add all ingredients into bag and then seal. Make sure to get out as much air as you can. Then place into the other smaller ziplock bag.

Bigger bag
4 cups of crushed or cubed ice
6 tbsp of salt
-Add ice and salt to your bigger bag. Put in your smaller bag and then seal the bag getting most of the air out.

Now SHAKE IT! You want to shake it for 5 minutes.

Once your done remove the smaller bag and wipe it down so you don't get any salt inside your ice cream. Now you are ready to enjoy your homemade ice cream with your favorite ice cream toppings!
Sorry ours melted  fast :(

We would love to see pictures of your ice cream and toppings don't forget to share your pictures on Instagram!

For more great kid activities make to check out and follow my  pinterest board
Follow Kristina Morud's board Things to do with the Kids on Pinterest.

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