Wednesday, July 9, 2014

DIY Kitchen Disposal Cleaner

Happy Wednesday
Todays tip has become very helpful for me. Living on the bottom floor of an condo building it seems like we get the smell of everyones garbage disposal in ours... gross! After finding this tip from Fun Home Things I have made sure we do this once a week.  It works great and smells great . When I was looking for a disposal cleaner on Pinterest I saw a lot with vinager my husband hates when I clean with it so I was happy to find one using lemon juice.
DIY Lemon cleaner
By Fun Home Things
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup baking soda

1. Heat up lemon juice in a small mircowave safe bowl for 30 seconds
2. Add baking soda slowly this will cause it to bubble and mix well
3. Turn on your disposal and pour your mix down the drain.
4. Turn on hot water for a few seconds to rinse away any mix in the sink and bowl
If your drain still has a bad odor repeat. To keep odors away make sure to use this tip weekly.
Hope you find this tip useful like I did. For other tips like this one make sure to check out/follow my Pinterest board

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you managed to find a way around the smell you're getting from your neighbors' garbage disposals. It's not good to bombard a cleaner with too much essential oils, as the smell can get pretty strong, no matter how good it is. So, I love how you landed on lemon juice as the main fragrance. After all, the smell it produces is more fresh and organic. Anyway, thanks for sharing that quick recipe, Kristina! All the best! :)

    Courtney Morris @ Onyx Cleaning
