Tuesday, July 29, 2014

DIY indoor ball game

Today's kids activity came just in time. We have been in the house alot for a couple of days due to rain. My kids have been going crazy!!! So I went on to find indoor activities on Pinterest. I had a bunch of toilet paper rolls so I wanted to find something to do with them.

Thank you Meaniful mama for this awesome game idea.
My 5 year old liked this game the most. She was coming up with new games using it. It's now part of game closet. My 2 year old was in love with chasing the balls around the living room.

What you will need:

  • Toliet paper rolls (we had 6)
  • Marbles or bouncing balls
  • A small piece of paper to help hold the tubes together. (We recycled a popcorn box you can use what ever)
  • Tape (of course the only tape I could find in my house was medical tape...hey it works!)

What to do:
1.) If you would like decorate the Toliet paper rolls before we start. We made the mistake of doing this after and it was hard.
2.) Place a tube on the paper. Place a piece tape on each end of the Toliet paper rolls. And repeat till you are finished. 

3.) Now you are ready to play. You can play with points or by color. Your choice.

We would love to see your games on Instagram don't forget to share them!

For more kid activities check out the tab above or my Pinterest Follow Kristina Morud's board Things to do with the Kids on Pinterest. board.

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