Wednesday, July 2, 2014

DIY dryer sheet

OK with this week's tip you are probably going to think I'm crazy, but it really works. So what's this crazy tip it's...Aluminum foil as a dryer sheet. I know crazy I was thinking this is crazy and dangerous when I found this pin from The centsable shoppin.

So if your wondering what made me want to try this tip well I thought I had dryer sheets when I started my laundry well turns out I didn't. So I turned to Pinterest and saw many ideas but a lot of them called for fabric softener that I didn't have at the time so I gave the foil a try. I'm not gonna lie I was really nervous about doing this I kept checking to making sure my dryer wasn't on fire.

I was surprised that when I pulled out the clothes there was no static! So this pin is TRUE you can use Aluminum Foil as a dryer sheets.

So what do you have to do? All you have to do is ball up a good size of Aluminum foil and throw it in the dryer with your wet clothes. And that's it!

For more DIY cleaning idea make sure to check out my Pinterest page.
Follow Kristina Morud's board DIY cleaners on Pinterest.

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