Monday, June 30, 2014

Kool-Aid Popcorn

This is a great recipe if you need  a treat to bring to that 4th of July picnic Friday. In honor of 4th of July we made blue punch flavor. But you can what ever flavor you want. And this also makes a great treat for a theme birthday party or even a baby shower. I will be keeping this recipe for future parties. Just to warn you this is a hot sticky mess so if you are looking for something to make with little ones this one is not the best recipe. I decided to make this while my kids were in bed and they could wake up to a tasty treat.

Thank you Bridget Widgey life's a party for this pin, we have been in love with this recipe and we are already planning on our next flavor to make.

Here's how to make this tasty treat

Kool-aid popcorn
Recipe by: Bridget Widgey

  • Cooking Spray
  • 10 cups of light buttered popcorn ( I did about a bag and half)
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of corn syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 package of kool-aid

For crunchier popcorn preheat your oven to 225 degrees (This is the method I did)
Pour your 10 cup of popcorn into a greased bowl spray with your cooking spray
Bring sugar, corn syrup and kool-aid to a boil for about 6 minutes and continuously stir. This is important you don't want to burn the sugar mix.

Take mixture off the heat and add the baking soda this will make it puffy

Pour the mixture over the popcorn and mix to evenly coat

For soft and chewier popcorn:
Just take the popcorn and place it on a non stick mat or parchment paper to let it harden.
For crunchier popcorn
Continue to step 4 and place it in the oven at 225 for 30 minutes. This will help it get a hard candy shell on the popcorn. When done you will have to move it immediately move it to a non stick mat or parchment. If you leave it in pan that you cooked in good luck getting it out.( I didn't have either of these so I used foil with Pam sprayed on it and it worked perfect)

Enjoy! We love to see what kind of popcorn you guys made make sure to share on Instagram or leave a comment below!

For more great recipes like this make sure to check out my pinterest page
Follow Kristina Morud's board Sweets to make on Pinterest.

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