Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Fried Cheerios

As a mom to a toddler we always have a box of cheerios in our house. Landon loves his cheerios so I thought I would switch things up and try something totally different for snack time.

I found this Fried Cheerios recipe on Big Girls Small Kitchen and it looked really simple and sounded really good. There was no second guessing if I would make this. I went into the kitchen and grabbed everything. It was a great snack for 2 people or 3 depending on how much everyone eats.

I've made this twice now. The second time I substitute garlic salt and it was yummy I think for now on I will be using it.

  • 1 1/2 tablespoons butter preferably salted
  • 1 cup Cheerios
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • Pinch of salt if your butter isn't salted

  • In a small frying pan melt the butter over medium heat.
  • Add the cheerios and cook. Stirring to redistribute until they turn golden.
  • Add the oregano and cook for another minute.
  • Taste a cheerio and see if you need to add salt and add some if you like.
Serve and enjoy!

You can make these a head of time when storing them make sure they are cool and store at room temperature in a air tight container.

Need some more yummy food ideas check out my Pinterest page!
Follow Kristina Morud's board yummy food to try on Pinterest.

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