Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Workout #1

For the month of August I have decided to make Thursdays about Fitness. For a month now I have been challenging myself to become healthier for me and also for my family. At first I had the mind set it was all about eating right. But after a while I have found out its getting up and moving + eating right = the road to that dream body that you want.

Even though summer is coming to an end I find it's kicking my butt into better gear. In a year I will be back in Maryland for the first time in 7 years. I want to look and feel my best! I have a long road in front of me to get healthy but I'm determined to get there. And if you are looking for help to getting there yourself I hope this helps you and for support feel free to contact me or leave a comment. With a support team everything is possible.

Getting up moving
In everyday task you are burning calories and with every little movement those calories add up with out even stepping a foot in the gym. With money and time so tight there is no time for a gym for this Momma. Skinny Mom has a great article that opened my mind to just how many calories you burn doing everyday task such as:

  • If your kids have  Wii Dance party next time join in with them you will be surprised in just 30 minutes you can burn 150 calories. Not only are you having a fun workout your also having some mommy time with your kids.
  • Who hates grocery shopping? I know I do especially when I have both kids. But did you know from just pushing the cart you can burn 243 calories in 1 hour! 
  • Vacuuming is something we all have to do 2 or 3 times a week but next time just remember for 20 minutes you are burning 56 calories.
for more check out Skinny mom for more information. You will be shocked at what you learn. I know I was. It was a eye opener to get up and get moving.

Do you ever feel like you have no time to squeeze in a work out. Here is a quick one that I have fallen in love with. It's great for beginners to get in the routine of working out 2-3 times a week. It's so simple and you don't need a lot of space to do them you can do them during the commercial break of your favorite prime time show.

Hope you enjoy this workout! Next week I will be sharing a quick morning routine to start you day off feeling great!

For more workouts make sure to check out my Pinterest board 
Follow Kristina Morud's board Workouts on Pinterest.

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