Thursday, August 21, 2014

DIY Detox Bath

With school season here and kids bring home germs this is a mommy time you will want to keep in mind. When I start feeling sick or even if my kids have been sick I do this. (I don't give my kids this bath I take one myself so I don't get sick)
This pin that I found on Pinterest is a great read on why and how detox baths work by Healthy Living check it out its very interesting.

DIY Detox Bath
What you will need
Bath tub
Hot water
2 cups Epsom salt
5-10 dropsLavender essential oil (I didn't have any so I used my lavender Epsom salt)

Before starting make sure you don't eat before or after this bath.

What to do:
1. You want to make the water hot you want to build up a sweat to get those nasty toxins out of your body.
2. Put the salt and oil into the water
3. You want to get most of your body into the water and sit and relax for 20 minutes.
4. When you stand up please go slowly because you might be light headed so use caution.
5. You want to rinse  off in a cool shower. Be careful of soaps and shampoos because your pores are open. I just rinse off with the cool water.

Hope you enjoy this mommy time helpful like have.

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