Wednesday, August 13, 2014

DIY foot soak

It Wednesday which means it's Mommy Time time.
With summer here we are all probably wearing our sandals and have noticed the dry cracked feet happening. Don't worry I have found a Pinterest tip that work amazing to get those soft feet back.
Warning! This mixture does work but if you would like you can keep the Apple Cider vinegar out and just use Mouth wash. I have done both ways and they work about the same. When I use the Apple cider vinegar my husband always says it smells like Easter in here...and it does a minty Easter. And it doesn't look pretty. The picture above is just mouth was. The one below here is with vinegar not so pretty.
Not so pretty and smells like a minty Easter egg!

What you will need:

1/4 cup Listerine
1/4 cup Apple cider
1/2 cup Warm Water

Mix all together and soak your feet for 10 minutes. When you pull you feet out you will see the dead skin peeling off. If you have really dry feet you can do longer. And use a foot stone to help rub away those dry spots.
To add another touch I added lotion to my feet to lock in that moister to keep them softer for longer.

Hope you enjoy this mommy time tip
For more check out my Pinterest board.  Follow Kristina Morud's board Health and Beauty on Pinterest.

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