Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ring Toss

This week I have a twist on one favorite child activity that everyone loves. Why just play regular ring toss when you can play GLOW IN THE DARK RING TOSS! This has been a favorite in our household this week. To go along with fitness month this gets you up and moving with the kids. And while you are waiting for your turn you can walk in place or any kind if exercise you would like to do. Between helping my 2 year old I didn't get much that in which is ok cause I was still up and moving with him.

All you need for this:
A piece of paper
A paper towel roll
Glow stick (2 sticks= 1 ring)

What to do:
1.) Place the paper towel roll on the paper. Tape the roll in place.
2.) Make your glow sticks into rings
3.) Start tossing away

For more great kid activities check out the tab above or check out my Pinterest board.Follow Kristina Morud's board Things to do with the Kids on Pinterest.  

We would love to see your pics on Instagram!

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