Monday, May 19, 2014

Shaving Cream Bath Paint

In our household we are always looking for a new way to make bath time fun. When I came across shaving cream bath paint I was thinking oh this could be fun, but then my Mommy brain kicked in oh NO way to messy. But after some thinking I went ahead and made it. The first time I made it Ireland was only 2, so for 3 years now our family has been enjoying this fun bath activity. 

For this great activity you can find everything at your local Dollar Tree. 
You will need:
Shaving cream (white color)
Food coloring
Bowls for mixing or you can use a plate
Brushes (if you want you can use fingers just to warn you it does dye skin but will wash off) 


1. Start by adding the shaving cream into the bowls or onto the plate. I like to make 2-3 colors at a time. You can do as many as you would like.

2. Add 3-4 drops of food coloring to the shaving cream (you can use less or more if want your call) and mix well. My kids love helping with this step.

3. Finally your ready to get your kids in the tub and let their inner Picasso out.
Landon's art work
Ireland's art work

OK now your probably thinking OK how well does this clean up. I only let the kids paint on the tub not the tiles and it cleans up easy. You can just wipe it off. I like to use the Mr. Clean eraser which is great my tub gets cleaned more often which is a plus!

We hope you guys enjoy this as much as we do and would love to see pics of your shaving cream creations

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