Monday, May 26, 2014

Foam Dough

I know as a mom to two little ones when I find new recipes or ideas for play dough like stuff, it always seems like a good idea. So when I found foam dough I was thinking to myself oh this could be easy to make and the kids will have a lot of fun playing with this. Oh I got one part right the kids did love it. The easy to make not so much it took two times trying before it finally turned out. If it wasn't for the patiently waiting 2 year old at the table I probably would have said, "you know what never mind" but I couldn't give up or there would have been a major melt down.

Take 1 (My Pinterst fail!)
For the first try I thought it would be easy to mix the ingredients on plate. One simple words sums this up MESSY! And just not sticking together.

Take 2:
This time I went with a bowl that worked great till the end then I ditched and finish mixing with my hands over the sink. Finally the silky soft dough was ready to play with

Now that I have found the perfect way to make this here is what you will need:
1/2 cup Corn Starch
1/2 cup shave cream
Opitional you can add food coloring (I haven't tried it yet so I don't know how well it well it works.)

  • Add the corn starch to the bowl then the shave cream.  If you choose to add food color add it now.

  • Start by mixing with a spoon then move over to the sink and finish mixing in your hands to form a ball. If you find that dough is to crumby add more shave cream small amounts at a time.
  • After you have form the perfect mixture it's time to let your kids imagination run wild and free.

*If you are making this for more then one kid  you might want to make a ball for each kid. This recipe is the perfect amount for one kid.

* After playing with this I put it in a bag to try to save it however it didn't work for us it just turned into crumbs. For now on we will be throwing ours away when done. If you find something that works to save it I would love to hear what you did!

Hope you and kids enjoy this silky soft dough. We would love to see your guys creation

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