Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Happily Ever After

Do you love buying or even looking at jewelry?  What girl doesn't! During one of my adventures on pinterest I came across this website called KitsyLane. At first I was shocked at the work but mostly the prices for this beautiful work I fell in love.
Through KitsyLane you can open your own boutique and that's exactly what I've done. Everyday new pieces are showing up and my favorite part weekly sales! Who doesn't love sales...I know I love them! The weekly sales start Thursday and end Tuesdays evenings. So if you looking for some new jewelry or just want to browse take a look at or to make everything simple I have a page on the top called "Happily Ever After" that you can just click and it will take you straight to the website.

House of KL 
$28 | Flash Sale: $24
House of KL 
$38 | Flash Sale: $32

OK I didn't just write this post to get you guys to check it out but the main reason because this one of the easy ways I earn a little money for my family (granted not a lot but some) I go on when ever pick new pieces to add to the boutique.I also Hand pick 12 pieces that I want to put in the weekly flash sale. I love it and the best part for every time a friend buys something you earn 25% commission which can add up in the end depending on how many people buy from your boutique. 

 Your probably thinking how much does a business like this cost and I have the best answer for you its FREE! No really it really is free. Yes you have the option of spending $100+ to buy a starter kit but there's no hassle you don't need to buy it. In July it will be my 1st anniversary with them and still haven't put a dime into it. Which is the best business for this stay at home mom. 

If you would like to get set up feel free to contact me with the contact me box on the right side of the screen and we can get you started today!

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