Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Colored Rice

Sorry that I have been MIA for a while life has been crazy!

Today I have a fun activity for your little ones that they will love. My 2 year old fell in love with this activity and played for an hour or so with it. He had fun pouring the rice into his toy pots and pans.

When we were playing with this we went outside because it's a little messy.
Thank you eHow for this great sensory bin activity.
What you will need:
  • 1 cup of rice
  • 1 tablespoon of white vinegar
  • Ziplock bag
  • Food coloring
  • Plastic containers to hold rice after

What to do:

1.) Add the rice to the bag. Add vinegar and food coloring to the rice. I did 8 drops but if you want darker colors add more. And shake the bag till all rice is covered.

2.) Line a cookie sheet with foil. Pour rice on to the cookie sheet and spread the rice around with a spoon. Thinner it is quicker to dry.

3.) Let the cookie sheet of rice dry for a couple hours. Ours took about 3 hours. Once done your ready to play.

4.) Store the rice in a Ziplock bag or a airtight container.

Hope you guys enjoy this as much as we did. We will love to see your pictures on Instagram.

For more kid activities check out the tab above or my Pinterest board.
Follow Kristina Morud's board Things to do with the Kids on Pinterest.

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